Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trick To Run Multiple Skype Accounts On A Single Computer

If you have heard about multi-yahoo and multi-msn but haven’t heard about using multiple Skype accounts on a single computer than know this that Skype has given this facility.This is a great trick because sometimes you need to use more than one accounts on a single computer for multiple communications at the same time. This is valid for 4.0 version and later.

Follow these steps:
  1. Click Start > Run (or press the Windows and R keys on your keyboard at the same time)
  2. In the Run window, enter the following command (include the quotes) and press OK
  3. "C:Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" /secondary

If you get any error messages, please copy and paste the exact command from this post and try again. You may can get this error if you have changed the installation directory at the installation time.

Alternative Solution:
  1. Find the Skype executable file (Skype.exe) in: C:Program FilesSkypePhone
  2. Right click on it and choose: Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
  3. Locate the shortcut on the desktop, then right-click on it and choose Properties
  4. In the Target field, add: /secondary. The Target field should now be: "C:Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" /secondary
  5. Click OK. You can now start a new instance of Skype every time you double-click on the new shortcut.

The above solution will make a second instance for future use, you won’t be given the first method’s command every time on RUN menu to open the second instance. You just double click the secondary instance from your desktop and it will up for you.

To make it more convenient and easy, you can put this shortcut in windows32 directory under window directory and use it a global short, for that copy this shortcut in windows32 directory. Enter the name of the shortcut in RUN menu and it will work.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please help me... I used to do exactly this and it worked 100%. Then today I upgraded skype to and the "run as" option is gone! What can I do?.. Visit more info: - Skype Support.

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