Friday, July 3, 2009

Release/Renew Your IP ADDRESS.

Windows XP
1. From your desktop, click Start > Command Prompt. This will launch a command prompt window.
2. At the prompt, type in "ipconfig /release". Wait for the command prompt to return.
3. At the prompt, type in "ipconfig /renew". Wait for the command prompt to return.
4. At the prompt, type in "exit".

Windows Vista
1. From your desktop, click the Windows Start button to launch the Start menu. Select All Programs > Accessories. On the Accessories menu, using your right mouse button, click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator using your left mouse button.
If you receive a User account control pop-up window, select Continue. The Command Prompt window should now launch.
2. At the prompt, type in "ipconfig /release", and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. Wait for the command prompt to return.
3. At the prompt, type in "ipconfig /renew", and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. Wait for the command prompt to return.
4. At the prompt, type in "exit".

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