Friday, June 12, 2009

Pahilo junima.....1974 A.D.

* Dherai dherai aaunchha maan ma,Tita mitha jhajahlko haru
Sandhai sandhai geeta banera....
Kahile kahin seeta banera khaile timrai dhadkan barera
Kahile dherai mitho yaada banera

*Saayad meri priya po thiyou ki pahilo juni ma
Saayad timi nai po thiyou ki mero mutu ma
Mero aankah ma, mero dhadkan ma
mero biswas ma, mero aatma ma
Pahilo Juni Ma....aa

*Dherai dherai aaunchha maan ma,Tita mitha jhajahlko haru
Sandhai sandhai geeta banera....
Kahile kahin seeta banera khaile timrai dhadkan barera
Kahile dherai mitho yaada banera
Dherai mitho yaada banera * 4

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