Friday, April 30, 2010

IOGraph : A Tool To Draw Mouse Movements Into An Image

IOGraph — is an application that turns mouse movements into a modern art. The idea is that you just run it and do your usual day stuff at the computer. Go back to IOGraph after a while and grab a nice picture of what you’ve done!

Formerly known as MousePath it was made by Moscow designer Anatoly Zenkov to brighten up the routine work. Posting it at Flickr caused informal interest and afterward Anatoly Zenkov and his colleague Andrey Shipilov decided to evolve the app.

Image captured will look something like the above screenshot where all the line strokes are the mouse movements along different axis and the spots are the places where the mouse stopped.

Download IOGraph

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

नेपाली उखान टुक्काहरु - जातजातिलाइ होचयाउने, समाजलाई बिखन्डित बनाउने उखान टुक्काहरु

हाम्रो समाजमा चलनचल्तीमा रहेका केही उखान टुक्काहरुले जातिका आधारमा कसैलाई होच्याउने, समाजलाई बिखन्डित बनाउने काम गरेको देखाउँछ | अबको परिस्थितिमा यी उखानटुक्काहरुको प्रयोगलाई वर्जित गरिनुपर्छ र विभेद जनाउने कुनै पनि कार्य गरिनुहुन्न भन्ने मलाई लग्दछ | तसर्थ यस्ता नेपाली उखान टुक्काहरुलाइ पूर्ण रुपमा बन्देज लगाउनु पर्दछ भन्ने जस्तो तपाईहरुलाइ लाग्छ या लाग्दैन ?

ल हेर्नुस, प्रयोग गर्न हटाउनुपर्ने केही चलनचल्तीमा रहेका नेपाली उखान-टुक्काहरु :

कुमाई का घरमा पाडे पुरेत

गिट्ठा भ्याकुर पलायो मगर बुढो रमायो

देउता लाई मालाको अर्पन जापु लाई मुलाको खर्पन

चाड मा ठुलो तिआर जात मा लोवी नेवार

नेवार नेवार हानहान भैंसी को मासु तानातान

काठमाडौं को नेवार कुवाको भ्याकुता

बिष्ट घरमा बेलुका घर सल्लाह , कामीको घरमा बिहान सल्लाह

गिरी, पुरी, भारती, बन, यिनका दाजुभाइ अरु पनि छन

सेर्पा, तमाङ, मिया, मुसल्मान, यिनी हुन आठ भाई टुप्पी कट्टा बैमान

सर्पको बिख र बाहुनको इख एउटै

अर्तीको कुरा घर्तीको पनि लिनुपर्छ

अर्तीले घर्ती मान्दैन

मरेपछि डुमै राजा

एक घर विष्ट दश घर कामी, जस्ता तिमी उस्तै हामी

कागभन्दा कोइली चङ्ख, कोइलीभन्दा खत्री चङ्ख

कामीको पालो कात्तिकमा

कामीको बिहे, अठार खाँचो

कामी-दमाई माग्न जान्दैन, दाद-लुतो आउन जान्दैन

कालो बाहुन गोरो शुद्र, यिनीदेखि डराउँछन् महारुद्र

कुहिरे बाहुन, कैले खस, जुङ्गे मगर रस न बस

कुखुरा बास्यो, कामी नास्यो

खसको कुरा, पेटको छुरा

खसको कोखमा दाँत हुन्छ

खसको बिहेमा मगर नास्ती

टुप्पीभन्दा माथि थात छैन, बाहुनभन्दा माथि जात छैन

दमाई-कामी बोलाई नुनको खती

दमाईको थुक चोखो, बाहुनको मुख चोखो

दमाईको लुगामा तुना छिनेको

सियो हराएको दमाई जस्तो

दिनमा कमिनी कपाल कोर, रातमा कमिनी घोचा चोर

नेवार इस्ट र बाबु दुस्ट कहिले हुँदैन

नेवारको मुख चल्छ, थाक्सेको हात चल्छ

पश्चिमबाट घाम उदाउनु र बाहुनको चित्त बुझाउनु एउटै हो

ब्रत बस्ने हामी, फलाहार खाने कामी

बाहुनको चित्त माखाको पित्त

बाहुनको बिर्ता बोकाको मोलमा जान्छ

बाहुनलाई खाई जाडो, क्षेत्रीलाई नुहाई जाडो

बाहुनले च्याउ खाअ‍ोस् न स्वाद पाअ‍ोस्

विष्टका घरमा भात पाक्यो, दमाईका घरमा खलबल

भँडारीको बिहेमा पाँडेको परिपञ्च

भए अन्त नभए बुढाथोकीको जन्त

भोटेको बुद्धि भेडाको जस्तो

मरेको मधेसीले जिउँदो पहाडेलाई ठग्छ

माझीको मतो गर्दा सात गाउँ डुबे

राजाको काम छोडी कामीको देवाली

सानो जात मात्दैन, मातेपछि बाँच्दैन

सार्कीको देउता अक्षताले मान्दैन

सार्कीको सरापले डिँगो मर्दैन

छेत्री बिग्रियो मोजले नेवार बिग्रियो भोजले

जहाँ दही त्यहीँ बाहुनको सही

जहाँ गुलियो त्यहीँ बाहुन भुलियो

जहाँ केरा त्यहीँ बाहुनको डेरा

ताक परे तिवारी नत्र गोतामे

कुमाईको घुमाइ- पूर्वीयाको जाल, गुरुङको बुद्धि- नेवारको काल

थारुलाई दारु र मुसा भए केही चाहिँदैन

लिम्बुको बुद्धि घुँडामा

जाँड खाएको सार्की जस्तो

बाहुन बिग्ररेको मोज ले नेवार बिग्रे को भोज ल

भोटेको बुद्धी कोदाको तेल, पानीमा पकाउदा पाक्दैन सेल

कुमाईको घुमई, जैसिको जाल, बाठोलाई आपत, लाटालाई काल

बाहुन मर्द खोलामा एक मानाचामल झोलामा, भोट्‍टे मर्द डाडाँमा १ माना चामल भाढामा

ज्यालामा नमिलेको कामी दमाई जस्तो

अल्छिको जती जैसी जाँन्दैन

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Add Multiple Email Addresses In Facebook ?

Facebook is probably the most popular social networking site in the world currently, with millions of people logging in to connect with friends, colleagues, school mates, buddies and other contacts everyday. While many features of Facebook are addicting, Facebook registration only allow one email address to be entered.

The problem with been contacted at multiple email addresses through Facebook is that user cannot add the new friend directly into his or her existing Facebook account by just clicking on the link in the invitation email, without manually searching and adding as friend in Facebook again. When existing user sign in or login on the Facebook joining web page, it will load the Facebook homepage instead.

It’s more troublesome and impractical to sign up for multiple Facebook accounts just to accept invitations that arrived at lesser used email addresses. Unknowingly to many Facebook users, Facebook actually allows more than 1 email address to be added to user’s account. By registering and associating all email addresses that a user has or ever used, any people who search for any email address can automatically and instantly request for confirmation to add as friend, instead of sending out invitation to join Facebook to connect with friend mail message.

Here’s the steps on how to add additional or multiple email addresses in Facebook:

Log in to Facebook account.

Click on Account menu, and click on Account Settings in the drop-down menu.

Click on Change link on the Email section to expand the Email options.

In the text box next to New Email:, enter the new email address that user wants to associate and register in the Facebook account. Then, click on Add New Email button.

In the “Change Email” dialog box, enter the password for the Facebook account, and click Confirm button.

A message “A confirmation email has been sent to your new contact email address” should be displayed on top of the web page. The email is to make sure that it is a valid address. Check the mailbox for the email, and click on the confirmation link inside the email.

Tip: Look for spam or bulk folder if there is no mail from Facebook with domain. Else, it’s possible to resend confirmation email or cancel request from the same option page.

Once the email address is confirmed, all existing pending friend requests to the just registered new email address will be automatically retrieved to the Facebook account and shown to the user. User can then choose to confirm or ignore the friend requests.

In addition, the new email address will be set as default Contact Email. The existing email address is not deleted nor removed. For user who wants to use the original email address as Contact Email, just click on the email address’ radio button, and click on Change Contact Email button.

Facebook can accept multiple email addresses by following instructions above. By adding all email addresses that one ever used to Facebook, users can ensure that they never miss a single friend requests, and easily get back all pending friend requests sent to previously not-registered email addresses.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Turn Caps Lock Text Back To Normal In MS Word ?

At one time or another, we all accidently click the Caps Lock button while typing. If we are multi-tasking and watching television or Hulu while typing, it is completely possible we will type long strings of text before we realize our mistake.

Rather than retyping the all-caps text, Word has a built-in option to fix the problem. This is so simple you will wonder why you have never used it before now!

Here is what you do:

First, highlight the text you typed in all caps.

Now all you need to do is click Shift + F3. Seriously, that is it! Your text will magically transform to lowercase.

So now you have text that is all lowercase. Would it not be nice to change that lowercase text into nice, sentence case text? Click Shift + F3 a second time and the sentence magically turns to sentence case.

If you click Shift + F3 a third time, the text reverts back to all uppercase. If you ever need to use text in all uppercase, this will work as well. Highlight the text, then click Shift + F3 until the text appears in all uppercase.

Here is an added tip:
If you click Ctrl + Shift + K, your text will revert to small caps. Small caps make great headings in documents.

The amount of shortcuts built into Word can be overwhelming, but some of them are very useful. These can certainly save us all a few wasted hours spent re-typing documents.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Create Chemistry Equations and Diagrams in MS-Word ?

Microsoft’s new Education Labs has recently released the new Chemistry Add-in for Word 2007 and 2010. This free download adds support for entering and editing chemistry symbols, diagrams, and formulas using the standard XML based Chemical Markup Language.

You can convert any chemical name, such as benzene, or formula, such as H2O, into a chemical diagram, standard name, or formula. Whether you’re a professional chemist, just taking chemistry in school, or simply curious about the makeup of Citric Acid, this add-in is an exciting way to bring chemistry to your computer.

This add-in works great on Word 2007 and 2010, including the 64 bit version of Word 2010. Please note that the current version is still in beta, so only run it if you are comfortable running beta products.

How To Start?
Download the Chemistry add-in from Microsoft Education Labs, and unzip the file. Then, run the ChemistryAddinforWordBeta2.Setup.msi.
It may inform you that you need to install the Visual Studio Tools for Office 3.0. Simply click Yes to download these tools.
This will open the download in your default browser. Simply click run, or save and then run it when it is downloaded.
Now, click next to install the Visual Studio Tools for Office as usual.
When this is finished, run the ChemistryAddinforWordBeta2.Setup.msi again. This time, you can easily install it with the default options.
Once it’s finished installing, open Word to try out the Chemistry Add-in. You will be asked if you want to install this customization, so click Install to enable it.
Now you will have a new Chemistry tab in your Word ribbon.

One Screenshot To Show How It Works?

Download the Chemistry Add-in for Word

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Do Website Speed Determines Google Rankings ?

Here is a quick update from official google blog post and as well from Matt Cutts blog that "Google is determining the website speed to determine the rankings of the website in Google results".

Don’t get panic, Just read what Official Google post says,

"While site speed is a new signal, it doesn’t carry as much weight as the relevance of a page. Currently, fewer than 1% of search queries are affected by the site speed signal in our implementation and the signal for site speed only applies for visitors searching in English on at this point."

But this doesn’t seem to be a good idea though, because consider two sites are of equal quality in all points. but one is slower where one site is faster but delivers slightly worse quality, and another is three seconds slower but delivers great quality and will it be fair enough to serve the faster site at top ? and suppose if you have some large images and advertisements, obviously site will get little slow .

Here are some valuable tips to reduce the page load time and Improve the Speed of your Site:

1. Speeding up websites is important – Faster sites create happy users.

2. Reduce the number of graphics on your blog.

3. Lower flash content and multimedia objects. If it is necessary, you can use it, but try to reduce it.

4. Remove unwanted sounds and videos.

5. Use simple and neat looking template.

6. If you have lengthy content, try to break down into 2 or 3 pages.

7. Less Use Of Javascripts And External Scripts.

8. Use formatted CSS and java-script instead of lengthy file have use-less gaps.

9. Avoid use of iframes.

10. Use CSS sprites instead of separate images.

Here are some free tools that you can use to evaluate the speed of your site:

1. Page Speed – an open source Firefox/Firebug add-on that evaluates the performance of web pages and gives suggestions for improvement.

2. YSlow – a free tool from Yahoo! that suggests ways to improve website speed.

3. WebPagetest – It shows a waterfall view of your pages’ load performance plus an optimization checklist.

4. In Webmaster Tools – Labs > Site Performance shows the speed of your website as experienced by users around the world.

5. Many other tools on

Thanks to Official Google post for all these free tools.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

SetFileDate : A Tool To Change the Modified, Created or Accessed Date of a File

SetFileDate (Windows) is a great freeware application that allows you to do this. It comprises of a simple interface with an easy file explorer (heads up, hidden and system files are shown!) to easily adjust date and time stamps of any file. There are quite a few others alternatives available in software indexes but SetFileDate is pretty much what you are looking for.

It is the Utility to alter the time and date of one or more selected files or folders. There are several such utilities available, but most of them are too large, too complex or too expensive. SetFileDate is small, easy to use, and completely free. New in version 2.0: Change the time stamp of both files and folders.

Last Updated: 2009-02-13
License: Freeware Free
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Requirements: No special requirements

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Friday, April 23, 2010

What If You Could Print The Internet ?

Hey friends ... Very interesting pictures describing What if Internet could be printed !!.... I went through one of the site and found this interesting stuff. Love to share with you all. Enjoy it!!

Note: Please click or open the photos in next window to see in actual size of the image.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Have Some Fun With Mozilla Firefox (10 Tricks)

1. Open a Mozilla firefox browser
2. Copy the Url provided (Only copy the red highlighted text )
3. paste in browser’s address bar
4. Hit Enter

You are done to see the magic .. Enjoy

IT SHOWS Dancing Firefox.

IT Opens another Firefox inside a tab in the the existing Firefox window.

IT Opens the Options dialog box inside the Firefox tab.

IT Opens the “Book Marks Manager” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

IT Opens the History Panel in the Firefox tab.

IT Opens the Extensions window in the current tab.

IT Opens the “cookies window” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

IT Opens the “Clear Private Data” window inside the current tab.

IT Opens the “About Firefox” Dialog box inside the tab.

IT A scrolling list of names. The one’s who we must thank for creating Firefox

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Roadkil's Window Message : Displays information about the window the mouse pointer is currently over.

Roadkil’s Window Message is a tool that displays information about the window the mouse pointer is currently over. It shows the following information when you hover the mouse over the window: handle, size and the owner thread information.

The information may not be useful to all the people but it is useful to the people writing windows applications or wanting to create an interface to another application such as macros/scripts.

The tool is free and requires no installation.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How To Connect & Ttransfer Data Between 2 Computers via USB ?

Connecting 2 computers can be confusing and time draining procedure for majority of PC users. Making things dead simple and super easy is connection of 2 PCs using USB connectivity. USB Go link cable allows you to connect 2 PCs via USB for quick and easy connection (and data transfer).

Features of USB Go cable:

1. Go Bridge allows direct transmission between two computers and sharing of data.

2. Remote share help use another computer on the Internet online and CD-ROM DVD.
3. Folder Sync between two computers will be used by a number of documents N sync.

4. Outlook Sync between two computers in the Microsoft Outlook mail contacts calendars diaries and notes synchronization.
5. Card reader Share built-in a 4-Slot card reader that allow users to access the most common memory card and share it in 2 computers.

It supports connectivity on Windows 7, Vista and XP computers. For sure one easy and less cluttered way to connect 2 PCs for quick data sharing.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

miniMIZE : Tool That Minimize Currently Running Application as a Thumbnail In Desktop

We run multiple applications simultaneously, and no doubt, this slows down the system and also clutters the taskbar. So if you have a habit of keeping the taskbar clean and tidy then you can make the applications minimize directly to the desktop and not to the taskbar as we usually do.

The tool is called miniMIZE and what it does is, it catches the windows of the applications that are being minimized and puts a small thumbnail of it on the desktop. It makes your desktop into use and doesn’t clutter up your taskbar.

It also has hotkeys to cycle thumbnail levels, minimize all windows and show/hide thumbnails. The tool is quite small and is in beta stage and this is the reason why it works only on Windows XP at present.

Download miniMIZE

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

How To Turn Off or Disable Skype Notifications ?

By default Skype Windows shows the notifications of your Skype friends whenever they come online. You may feel disturbed by these notifications when they appear while were working on some thing very important.

In such a case you can simply disable these notifications, or customize them as per your preference under Skype options. Follow the steps given below to disable off Skype notifications

1. Open Skype interface, and login to your Skype account

2. Now go to Skype >> Tools >> Options

3. Under Skype "options" click the "Notifications settings" on the left pane, un-check the Skype notifications which you want to turn off so that there is no distraction while you are working.

4. Click "Save" button to close the window and save your preferences for future.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

HWiNFO32 : A Professional System Information and Diagnostics Tool for Windows.

HWiNFO32™ are professional hardware information and diagnostic tool which supports latest components, industry technologies and standards. This tool is designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about computer’s hardware which makes them suitable for users searching for driver updates, computer manufacturers, system integrators and technical experts as well.

Retrieved information is presented in a logical and easily understandable form and can be exported into various types of reports.

Following are some key features:
1. Comprehensive hardware information
2. System health monitoring (Thermal, Voltage, Fan, Power)
3. Basic benchmarks
4. Text, CSV, XML, HTML, MHTML report formats
5. Periodical updates
6. OS: Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista/Server 2003/2008/Windows 7
7. Platform: 32-bit (IA-32), 64-bit (x64, IA-64)

Some of the Screenshots:

Download HWiNFO32

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Fast Duplicate Finder : A Tool That Finds Duplicate Files With Different Names But Same Content

Duplicate files is one of the most important reason for low disk space on your computer, these duplicate files could be music files, images and other multimedia files, documents and other type of files.

Today I am writing about another free software which lets you remove duplicate files in a easy and faster way and it is very effective because irrespective of the same file name it performs a binary comparison of the files.

Fast Duplicate File Finder is a free software which help you find all duplicate files in a folder and its sub folders. It will compare the content of your files so it will find duplicates even if they are using different file names. It will analyze the content of the files in order to find similar files and not just file attributes like name and size as the standard duplicate file finders do.

The duplicate remover uses fast binary comparison algorithm and has internal preview supporting a lot of image, video, music and text file formats. You can also preview the files in binary mode. Auto mark algorithm has advanced settings to exclude from auto mark files with user specified extensions, file sizes, file dates and file names.

You can also set which folders you want to exclude from the auto mark. There is an option to protect system files and folders which is recommended to be turned on.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

ImageFormat1 : A Handy Tool For Bulk/Batch Converting Images Format

Sometime we need to convert images from one format to another to either retain quality or to reduce size or for some other reasons. Converting images format is not simple as changing file extension, for that you need to open image in photo editor like Microsoft Paint or Photoshop and then use “save as” option to save it different format.

However if you need to convert format of hundreds of images then above procedure could be time consuming and not feasible solution. Here is excellent freeware tool called "ImageFormat1" which lets you batch/bulk convert images format.

You can add multiple images in one shot and instantly convert to .bmp, .jpg, .ico, .gif, .png, .tiff, .wmf, .emf format in one click.

Download ImageFormat1

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

System Explorer: A Detailed Task Manager

Windows task manager is quite simple and don’t have much of the features so if you are looking for some task manager that can give you enough information of the processes running in the background then you should try this process explorer called System Explorer.

Major Features:
  • Detailed informations about Tasks, Processes, Modules, Startups, IE Addons, Uninstallers, Windows, Services, Drivers, Connections and Opened Files.
  • Easy check of suspicious files via VirusTotal or Jotti service.
  • Easy search details about file/process via online databases.
  • Launcher ("New Task..." dialog) with integrated AutoSearch and AutoCompletion.
  • Action History for monitoring processes activities.
  • Performance graphs for monitoring usage of system resources in time.
  • System Snapshots for easy finding of system changes.
  • System Report builds rich text report containing major informations about your System.
  • Multilanguage and Plugins Support.
  • Security feature with online File Reviews.
  • WMI Browser and System Additional Info
  • Brand New Tray Hint with detailed System and Battery status
OS: Windows XP,Windows Vista or Windows 7
Licensing: SystemExplorer is FREE for personal and commercial use!
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आगमन नयाँ बर्ष २०६७ सालको

नयाँ बर्ष २०६७ सालको अवसरमा नेपाल भित्र तथा बाहिर रहनु हुने सम्पूर्ण नेपाली दाजुभाई, दिदीबहिनी, साथीभाइ, नातेदार, आफन्तजनहरुमा मेरो हार्दिक मङ्लमय शुभकामना !!

नयाँ साल २०६७ ले तपाईहरु सबैमा नयाँ जोश, जागर, सुख, समृद्धि, उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतीका साथै सुस्वास्थ्य एबम दिर्गायु ल्याओस भन्ने कामना गर्दछु !!

तपाईहरुले चालेका हरेक पाइलाहरुले सगरमाथाको जस्तै उच्च शिखरमा कदम राखन सफल होस !!

नेपाली जनताले शान्तिको आभास गर्न सकुन !! २०६७ साल सबैको राम्रो रहोस !!

- विजय मिश्र

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How To Add Life Time Protection To USB Drives Against Autorun Viruses ?

Did you ever wonder, why is anyone talking about so dangerous USB drives? Why can't you protect yourself from thousands (!) of viruses that are spreading only by your flash drive? Today there are many programs that can be in your memory, waiting for any new flash drive connected, finding viruses on it and removing them. But isn't it better just to VACCINATE your drive once and forever? No more viruses. No more danger.

USB Defender allows to securely protect your flash drive from different type of autorun viruses which infect you drives and then you computers when your USB Drives are connected to them.

USB Defender was developed to be extremely easy in use. You can see just two buttons on it: "Protect" and "Unprotect".

First button you are using to vaccinate your drive, second – to remove protection.

After selecting any drive, program automatically detects, if there is any protection active and only one button will be available for you.

To vaccinate your drive against autorun viruses, It actually creates a system hidden folder called AUTORUN.INF.

After this autorun.inf folder that has been created no autorun.inf viruses can infect your pen drive which means even if you connect your USB drive to virus infected computer it wont infect your USB removable drive.

Requirements: Monotype Corsiva font installed.

Conclusion: This program does allow you to add protection right now, as the time passes hackers will find a new way to make these viruses work, till then this could be real rescue.

NOTE : If you format your pen drive, this protection will be lost and you need to protect the pen drive again using this tool if you want this protection.

Download USB Defender

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Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Make PDF From Image File Of Any Image Format ?

What if you just want to save some confidential information on some location by creating a pdf of that information? And would you do if that information is in the form of a image? So you need to convert this image to pdf.

Now there may be a case when a user want to convert a single image to pdf and some times there may be several images which you want to convert to pdf document.

In order to just convert a single image to pdf I would suggest a free to use tool "Image To PDF Converter " which converts a single image to pdf called Image to PDF converter. This tool supports images of type .bmp, .png, .jpg, .tiff etc.

Note: Please read the readme.txt before running this tool, as you will need to strip off some text in the application called removeme.

Just in case you want to convert multiple images into pdf then you can use free virtual printer called dopdf printer which will show up in the list of printers while printing, it will act as a virtual printer which allows you to save any page and images as pdf on your own computer without any physical paper involved.

Download dopdf printer

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