Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mipony : A Free Download Manager

Mipony is a download manager specially designed to automate the downloading of files of free host sites such as Rapidshare, Fileserve, Hotfiles and many others.

With this download manager you will enjoy comfortable features when it comes to downloading files by avoiding host sites inconveniences. Mipony is in charge of everything, it accesses the web where the file is hosted, it waits the required time and starts downloading them one by one.

Put the addresses of the files in Mipony and the program will be in charge of everything to have the files downloaded as fast as possible.

Mipony also checks every link to see if the file has been deleted from the server or if it is available to be downloaded.

Once the link has been added to the download list, the files will be downloaded while you navigate and if you close the download program, the downloads will be restarted when you start the program again.

Mipony works with both premium and free accounts of Rapidshare, Fileserve and Hotfile. When you download files from host sites, you usually find that there are restrictions that make you stay tuned to downloads. Mipony manages all these restrictions and controls the validation keys, the waiting times, the server selection, the daily download limit, etc. It supports following :

Mipony updates automatically to keep working with files download sites and it is constantly adding new sites to the supported websites.

Download Mipony from Here


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