Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Newton`s Way Of Romance

Universal law:
"Love can neither be created nor be destroyed; only it can transferred from One girlfriend to another girlfriend with some loss of money."

First Law:
"A Boy in love with A Girl, continue to be in love with her and a girl in love with a boy, continue to be in love with him, until or unless any external agent (brother or father of the gal) comes into play and break the legs of the boy."

Second Law:
" The rate of change of intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is directly proportional to the instantaneous bank balance of the boy and the direction of this love is same to as increment or decrement of the bank balance."

Third Law:
"The force applied while proposing a girl by a boy is equal and opposite to the force applied by the girl while using her sandals."

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Jayant said...

ha ha ha very funny.

Bijay Mishra said...

Is it???

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